UpayCard customers

Advance to mani

Salary to
the wallet

Paying salary without leaving the house from a mobile phone, splitting the payment between several different wallets

The new life for your employee

From now on, everyone can receive their salary into a wallet

A solution for employers who do not pay by bank account or by credit card and pay via cash or via check

How does it work

A variety of ways to pay

Prepaid card

A prepaid card in your name to control the expenses for your employees

mani customers save more through our highly cost-effective customer club

It doesn’t matter if you’re buying new clothing or even a dining table - for each transaction, you’ll find a wide variety of businesses that award mani customers a special discount.

If you've come this far, it’s time to move on to mani.

Switch to mani the wallet that suits everyone without a usage ceiling!

To download the app and join, choose the appropriate app store: